WinActor FAQ


  • 質問

    Please tell me about compatibility with security software.

  • 回答

    Security software may cause malfunctions such as startup

    and execution errors.
    Below is the common malfunction and the countermeasures

    for each case.
    ・Files necessary to run OR-5200 are quarantined by anti-virus software.

    →Canceling the quarantine will solve the problem. 

    Make sure that the file being quarantined is a OR-5200 file

    and cancel the quarantine. 

    Check the anti-virus software manual for the procedure for

    checking the quarantined file and the procedure for

    releasing the quarantine.

    If restoration fails, or restoration is successful

    but OR-5200 does not start up normally,

    please try to re-install OR-5200.

    • FAQ No:ENG00078
    • Updated Date:2020/05/08
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