WinActor FAQ


  • 質問

    Although the FLA server(floating license server) is supposed to be set with fixed device information, is there anything to note regarding the FLA server installation environment?

  • 回答

    Please begin with checking specifications of the license management

    server as following:
    1.Hardware requirements: Windows Server 2012 R2,

    Windows Server 2016,
    CPU x64 Instruction set compatible, 64-bit 3.0 GHz or faster processor,
    Memory 2.0GB or more, HDD Free space 3.0GB or more,

    screen capable of displaying 1024 x 768.
    2.Software requirements: Internet Explorer version 11
    Furthermore, upon setting server information on the FL (client side),

    enter the fixed NIC information and IP address (including subnetwork)

    in the server settings.

    • FAQ No:ENG00402
    • Updated Date:2020/06/08
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